I create award-winning content designed to engage audiences and build brand loyalty.


The American Psychological Assocation's membership area on APA.org.

AAAS MemberCentral is the American Association for the Advancement of Science's member's only site that I created in 2011 and migrated over to the main AAAS.org site in 2016. It is now a paywall protected area of AAAS.org.


This first video was used to promote APA's new Technology, Mind & Soceity Conference in 2018.

The second video and those that follow feature AAAS members showcasing their work in various fields of science.


These "mini magazines" are used to help market membership to existing and potential audiences. All three of these ebooklets have won awards of excellence from leaders in the marketing and communications industry.

Feature Articles

These are just a handful of the feature and and proflie pieces I've written over the course of my career.


These two popular webinar series created for APA are designed to help members with their career and professional development: Supercharge Your Online Professional Presence and How Did You Get that Job? Each of these series has attracted 10K+ registrants/year and have a loyal following.

Live Events

From 2011 - 2016, I developed a live lecture series for AAAS called Cutting Edge. These talks, given by highly accomplished researchers, provide insight into emerging trends and advances in science.